Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's the first set of tests/exams and I'm doing nothing.

Really, I'm doing nothing.

I'm still totally in holiday mood.
I haven't seriously studied.

Even today, I slacked half the day away and even till now, I haven't exactly touched my stuff.

I keep telling myself that it'll be fine.
That I'll pass even without studying...

But I know I won't.
I'm just deluding myself.

There were 3 tests today.
Total crap.

I tried spending the day before re-writing the compo we had done before since my teacher said the question that would come out, would be along those line.
I rewrote it using p6 Chinese examples...
Since narrative was the only option given, and I haven't written one in Chinese since like forever.
So I wrote it, and tried memorising it.
And fell asleep half way.

The next morning I was panicking.
I revised what i had memorised in my head even while the national anthem was playing.
While they were having scripture reading and prayer, i was busy finishing up the last few paragraphs.

Then guess what?
I totally forgot them all when it was time to write.... -.-
So Chinese screwed.

Now next..
Ok that's definitely a fail too.
I had no idea how to paraphrase and substitute words.
I couldn't even think.
What's another word for happiness? -.-

After that... chem....
I was suppose to have 1 hour of chem tutorial before a half an hour break and then the actual test.
Guess what?
My teacher didn't even come.
So we didn't get to ask her stuff.

The test was the worst of all.
I think only 1 out of 27 finished the paper.
I'm one of the 26....

Great huh?
It'll seriously be a miracle if i pass all my exams....

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