Sunday, September 21, 2008


Whoo hoo~!
Got my books!
Went to the library today, got myself a few books which can hopefully last me.
Though I wish I had had the discipline to have just ignored them totally.
Unfotunately, that was not the case, and I gave in to temptation and just borrowed them anyway.
But hey! It wasn't me who looked for the books. It was my sis :P
So I sorta just sat and slacked and waited for her to bring the books to me.
Evil huh? (I know ><)

So...Besides that, nothing much happened.
Woke up at the normal 5 am to eat. Went straight back to bed after that.
Woke up at about 11 +. (O.O)
Lolz so yea... Had to get out of bed to reach my hp. (which was ringing - xd called ><)
So yea, picked it up. Decided I didn't want to go watch the movie with them.
Since I was already up and about, I decided to remain that way.
But I have to say, I was surprised xd was already awake by then :P

~ lalalala ~

I really have nothing else left to say.
Days to O - 29

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